Partners in Ministry

There are 135 ELCA-affliated camp, retreat and conference center sites in the United States and Puerto Rico.

Allegheny Synod
There are 65 synod (geographic areas) that make up the ELCA. Sequanota is located in the Allegheny Synod. In partnership with local synods and congregations, outdoor ministries strive to strengthen, support and lift up the body of Christ by encouraging spiritual growth in outdoor settings.

Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Network
Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (LOM) is an association of outdoor ministry organizations, professionals, board memebers, businesses, and students connected to Lutheran camping, conferences, and retreats. LOM is a vibrant and diverse community, committed to deepening faith - in rustic cabins and In state-of-the-art retreat centers, on mountaintops, on city streets, on ocean shores.

American Camp Association
ACA is a community of camp professionals who have joined together to share knowledge and experience and the ensure the quality of camp programs. Sequanota follows the safety standards and policies set by the ACA. We are proud to be one of the nationally accredited camps.