Sequanota @ Home VBS Resources
Visit the Sequanota Youtube channel for a play list that includes: song times, puppet shows, and prayers.
Sequanota is offering virtual resources to assist with Vacation Bible School this summer. We has created five days worth of themes, puppet shows, tie ins, prayers, and song times for you.
Sequanota Coloring Book
Hanna has created a coloring book for kids of all ages to express their creativity. Download, print out the pages, color, and show us your artwork on Facebook or Instagram.
ELCA Faith Formation
This website is curated by Pr. Janelle Rozek Hooper (Program Director for Ministry with Children for the ELCA) and the ELCA Faith Formation team. It has some great resources for children, parents and families. They have a Faith @ Home page that offers short devotions, free coloring pages links, games, and fun! They also have Storyline Online links.
The Brick Testament
Who doesn't love Legos?! Here is a website that uses lego blocks to stage the Biblical stories from Genesis to Revelation. Parents as you know the Biblical account shares the origin story of humankind. This website does not change that story, so please help your kids in finding stories you feel are appropriate.
Southland Christian Church - Children tell the story of Christmas and Easter
This community of faith has their children tell the story of Christmas and Easter and the parents act it out. It is fun for the whole family.
St. Paul's Arts and Media
Here are two videos produced by a community of faith starring the children, who share the good news.
Pandemic Hope
Here is a daily family devotional (from Faith5.org) that provides a scripture selection for the day and a fun activity. There are eight weeks of ideas in this one resource.

Daily Devotion - d365- short and has an app for your smartphone
d365 provides a daily Christian devotion that is easily accessible either on the website or in an app.
Rob Bell - Nooma videos on YouTube
This YouTube search provides Rob Bell's Nooma videos that are short, provide good instruction and inspire good small group discussion. There are 24 total Nooma videos, you might be able to find them all on YouTube.
Enter the Bible
This website has a lot of resources to explore God's word. There are videos, blogs and podcasts providing insight and inspiration to our ancient sacred texts. This site can help you connect with God's words and apply them to our current context.
Relevant Magazine
This magazine's website has articles, videos, and podcasts on current topics through a Christian faith frame of reference.
Engage - Youth and Contemporary Issues, Princeton Seminary, Institute for Youth Ministry
This website is connected to the larger Institute for Youth Ministry site from Princeton. It does a great job of exploring challenging issues of our modern world for Christians young and older.
ELCA Practice Discipleship Project
Offered https://www.elcaymnet.org/PDArchives
The Discipleship Project was created over several years through the ELCA Youth Ministry. It has videos, curriculums, handouts and other tools to assist individuals or small groups dig deeper into what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
A website from England that does a good job of explaining "what is Christianity?, who is God? and what it means to be a Christian?" We can not speak to the theology of the whole site, but from what we have seen it gives the reader a basic understanding of the Christian faith.

Frontline - From Jesus to Christ
This website has two 2 hour movies about the story of Jesus the Christ. Frontline explores the rise of Christianity. This series challenges for of the assumptions and conventional notions about the origins of Christianity.
Text Week
This website has a huge collection of podcasts, blogs, videos and other resources to dig deeper into the weekly readings of worship. There are daily devotional links, daily lectionary resources, movie indexes and much, much more.
Ship of Fools
This website is just for fun! The site is a mixture of faith and humor. The creators are satirical in their content. This is website is designed to poke some fun at our craziness as Christians. If you are looking for a serious research site, don't go here. This is more for light hearted fun.
On Being
Krista Tippett shares conversations with all kinds of individuals. The common link is discussing our humanity and usually it has some time exploring spirituality in each guest's life. There are hundreds of podcasts. We recommend searching through to find one or two that interests you and get started. We promise you will find interesting and inspiring stories in every podcast.

Morning Watch KIDS!
Brothers Matt and Jesse are having some fun during this self isolating time sharing God's love and word with children. You can subscribe during this time.
Vibrant Faith @ Home
This website is curated by a great team of faith educators. Check out all of their resources here!
Veggie Tales - YouTube search
Here are some family fun videos, with Larry the cucumber and Bob the tomato, as they tell stories from the Bible in their own unique way with animation and music.
Another Name for Everything - Richard Rohr
This website is the jumping off point for Richard Rohr's podcast. The site also has some great blogs and other resources connected to the Center for Action and Contemplation.