Why Sequanota this Summer?

Experience Growth
Research has shown that camp experiences help connect campers to God, the wonders of the world and each other. Many leaders attribute their development of independence and self-esteem to their experiences at camp. Trying new things in a supportive environment - even if unsuccessful, helps gain new skills for personal growth as participants embark on a lifelong process of learning. Camps provide a diverse number of experiences every week. Campers and staff help form a week that is challenging, safe and fun! This experience is nurtured by the Sequanota staff. Our staff is selected for their faith in God, sensitive leadership and ability to develop caring relationships.

Explore Safely
Sequanota has been in the work of nurturing faith and leading camp for 68 years! Camp provides children, youth, and adults space to explore who they are and who God is calling them to be. At Sequanota individuals learn and play in a nurturing environment, which is experiential, safe and age appropriate. All participants have the opportunity to be creative and challenge themselves as they develop in this Christian community. Sequanota is accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA), which sets the highest safety standards for camping organizations across the country. All summer camp staff are trained in faith practices, child development, group building, first aid and CPR, and have undergone a thorough background check. The staff is trained and led by our executive director, Rev. Nathan Pile.

Engage in Small Groups
In our busy and technological world, we still need experiences that teach us how to engage God, our questions and each other. Sequanota provides a space set apart where campers can explore, experiment and experience these gifts from our Maker. At camp, time slows down, meals become intentional, activities are hands-on discovery, opportunities for curiosity abound and campers and staff work and play together growing in God’s love. Campers reside in small cabin groups (6-10 campers) with their counselors providing the personal one-on-one interaction that helps make camp special. This exposure to an inclusive community supports campers in building new relationships, which is an important lifelong skill.