2025 Summer Camp Schedule

Check out the Programs page for descriptions and costs of each program.

Week/Dates Elementary
(Grades K-6)
Junior High
(Grades 6-9)
Senior High
(Grades 9-12)
Week 1:
June 9 - June 13
Day Camp
Week 2:
June 15 - June 18
June 20 - June 23
Festival Weekend
Rides & Slides
Festival Weekend
Rides & Slides
Festival Weekend
Festival Weekend
Week 3:
June 22 - June 27
Cabin Camp Cabin Camp
Cabin Camp
Week 4:
June 29 - July 3
Sampler Camp (6/30-7/1)
½ Week Camp (6/29-7/2)
½ Week Adventure Camp SaLT Bethesda
Week 5:
July 6 - July 11
Day Camp
Specialty Camp
Specialty Camp
Week 6: July 14-18
Week 7: July 20-25
Offsite Day Camps
Week 8: Theme Week
July 27 - August 1
Cabin Camp
½ Week Camp
Cabin Camp Cabin Camp
August 20 - 27 Adirondack Canoe Trip

Weekly Camp Highlights

  • "Family" is a loose term in Family Camp --  You choose the people in your cabin group and get-away at camp for a safe, fun, all-inclusive vacation.
  • Theme Week (Week 8) -- Bring along some special gear to dress up for daily themed meals!

Tiered Pricing - Why 3 Prices?

Realizing that everyone has a different ability to pay, Sequanota has instituted a voluntary three-tier fee program. You may choose the tier that is most suitable for your situation. It is really a free system; you tell us what is affordable for you and your family. All participants receive the same camp experience no matter what they pay! For those who cannot afford Tier I, additional financial assistance is available to ensure that all children, youth and adults have the wonderful opportunity to attend camp.

Tier I is our historically subsidized rate and does not reflect the true cost of operating summer camp programs.

Tier II is our partially subsidized fee for those who can pay a little more but still cannot afford the actual cost of camp.

Tier III more closely accounts for the true cost of camp.

Our Goals

  • To provide the highest quality programs possible.
  • To serve all community income levels.
  • To preserve camp for generations to come.

Again, this program is voluntary and in no way influences the experience anyone will receive. It offers the opportunity for families/individuals to take an active roll in supporting the true cost of any camp experience at Sequanota!

Registration Fees:

Camp Program
Tier I / Tier II / Tier III
*see tiered pricing rationale above
Cabin Camp $500 / $650 / $800
½ Week Camp $300 / $400 / $500
Mini +1 / Sampler Camp $150 / $200 / $250
Day Camp $150 / $200 / $250
SaLT (2 weeks) $715 / $815 / $915
Rides & Slides $500 / $600 / $700
Adventure Camp $400 / $500 / $600
Lifeguard Training
Friends & Family Camp Grandparent & Kids Camp
Adults: $350 / $425 / $500
Children 5-18: $250 / $325 / $400
Children 4 & under: Free
Family of 4: $1,100 / $1,300 / $1,500
Each additional person $125 / $200 / $275

Discount and Incentive Programs

*Early Bird Special: Register by April 1, 2025 for the lowest registration fee! After April 1st, the Tier I registration fee increases $50.

Multi-Week Discount: For families registering more than one camper (or one camper for more than one week), take off:
$15 for the second camper (or week), $25 for the third, $35 for the fourth ...

No member of the Allegheny Synod will be excluded from this ministry on the basis of financial need! Please contact the Sequanota office or your pastor to talk about Campership possibilities.