Tuesday Lenten Bible Study on Zoom
Dates: March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15
Join Pr. Nathan & Pr. Kevin Shock for a study of the book Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life with a curriculum entitled "House Divided and a World on Fire" by Dr. Lori Brandt Hale. This curriculum was developed for the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry of PA and will inspire deeper conversation and discernment about how we live as disciples.
All are welcome! We will meet weekly on Zoom to explore God’s story intertwining in our story.
Young Adult Retreat
Date: March 21-23, 2025
Bowersox Center
Cost: $50 (Young Adults: 18 - thirty-something)
This weekend retreat is intended for young adults ages 18-35. It is time to gather with peers and discuss living life as young adults. Please come join the conversation as we discuss the struggles of living today as a young Christian. Resources will include video clips and Substack articles. Join us for board games, faith discussion, food and plenty of laughter.
All are welcome! Register online or call the office.
Happy Camper Fun Run - 5K Campership Fundraiser
April 26, 2025
Cost: $50/participant
Run/Walk at home virtually or come to Sequanota and choose one of two race course options (road and trail). Grab a pledge form and ask friends and family to sponsor you as you sprint, skip, shimmy, swim, bike, canoe, roller blade, walk, or hike for Sequanota. Cabins will be available to rent for the weekend.
Our goal is to raise $7,500 from this 5K to fund 15 Bring a Friend Free scholarships. Encourage your local congregation, youth group, or family to participate with you.
Love your Mother (Earth) Retreat
Date: April 26-27, 2025
Cost: Lodging and meals by donation.
We all need to be outside more. Whether it is a five minute walk, resting by a stream, or a new year’s goal to hike more - nature tells us who we are and whose we are. Join us this weekend for a 5K walk through nature as it springs to life, some Bible study, tree planting and an engaging session on how practicing our role in caring for our home. We only have one planet - this weekend is designed to help us appreciate and take ideas home to live more faithfully as a steward of it.
There is not a set fee for this weekend retreat. Please attend and donate as you are able to offset the cost of lodging and meals. The Happy Camper Fun Run 5K registration is separate. All proceeds for the 5K benefit Summer Camp Scholarships.
Suggested Donation:
$50/room or cabin
$40/person - 4 meals (breakfast/lunch/supper/breakfast)
$20/(under 10) - 4 meals (breakfast/lunch/supper/breakfast)
All are welcome! Register online or call the office.
Spring Benefit Dinner May 2, 2025
Suggested donation of $60/person
4:45 PM Tours of camp
5:30 PM Appetizers & Trivia Time
6:00 PM Dinner
6:45 PM Entertainment & Annual Report
An evening of fellowship to support camp and raise money to help kids attend summer camp. Three meal options for those attending in person: two meat options, one vegetarian. Please choose one when RSVP-ing. If you are unable to attend in person but would like to hear a camp update, please join us on Zoom for summer staff introductions, camp songs, and the annual report presentation.
Spring Work Day Saturday May 3, 2025; starts at 9 AM
Main Camp Dining Hall
Cost: Free and includes lunch.
Grab your work gloves and a sturdy pair of shoes to help prepare camp for the upcoming season. Contact the camp office for more information or to let us know how many volunteers to expect.
Mother's Day Banquet
Sunday, May 11, 2025
2 Seatings: 11:30 AM or 1:30 PM -- Reservations required
Cost: Free will donation.
This tradition has been happening for over 15 years at camp. We all want to go out and celebrate together, but the restaurants wait lines can be long. Bring your mom and your whole family to camp. We have two seatings 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. We can handle big and small families. Call for a reservation and your table will be waiting for you. Afterwards go for a hike or sit around and enjoy the day under a shade tree telling stories. Contact the camp office to make a reservation for your group. RSVP: (814) 629-6627
Summer Pool Passes June - August 2025
Cost: $100/individual or $175/family
Pool passes will be valid June 9, 2024 - August 8, 2024.
- The pool will be open most days from 1:30 - 4:00 PM. but will be adjusted for swimming lessons or other events as needed.
- July 13-26 the pool will be closed for open swim.
- Daily sign in will be required.
- Adults will be required to obtain and submit free background checks prior to using the pool when summer camp is in session.
The Tend Festival
June 19-22, 2025
Where are you filling up your faith? As the church begins to shift to live in our new post-Christian culture. God’s people still need a place to be inspired and grow in our faith. It is hard to do weekly Sunday school or Bible study. Come to the Tend Festival to share in intentional time of faith discussions, good music, art, worship, ecology and fellowship. We all still need community support and nurture and this event has been a great way to find that community. This event will have an open schedule allowing participants the freedom to pick what is right for them. It will include options for multiple workshops, open recreation & hiking, food and time to refresh yourself and the family.
Golf Benefit Tournament
August 18, 2025
Cost: A donation of $125 per person or $500 per foursome.
All golfers regardless of age or skill ability are invited to play in the annual golf benefit. The benefit will take place at the Summit Country Club on Cresson Mountain just off Route 22. Registration is from 9:00 - 9:45 AM, Shotgun Tee-off is at 10:00 AM (rain or shine), and dinner and cash bar begins at 4:00 PM. Your donation includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, refreshments and dinner. Please consider taking a day to connect with a few friends outdoors and make a difference in the lives of all Sequanota campers.
To register: Call the office (814) 629-6627 or email contact@sequanota.com with the names of the golfers on your team. (If needed, we can find you a team.) The golf donation can be made during registration on the day of the tournament.
Canoe the NY Adirondacks
Dates: August 20-27 , 2025
Are you looking for a way to challenge yourself, see the natural world and experience God? This trip might just be for you! Pr. Nathan will be leading a small group of adults on an overnight canoeing trip. We will gather at Sequanota on August 21st in the afternoon to pack up our gear and leave on August 22 to travel to upstate New York. We will canoe 4-5 days and camp along the route. We will then travel back to Sequanota to share stories. Cost of trip will include canoes, paddles, life jackets and food during the canoe trip. Limit of 7 people on this trip.
Register online or call/email the office with your group details. (814) 629-6627 or contact@sequanota.com
Trail Clean Up
September 13, 2025
"Into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul." John Muir
Come and help maintain camp’s 20+ hiking trails and enjoy a day in the woods. Everyone is welcome to make a weekend of it just to rest and renew your spirit. Nothing else is planned. There will be lots of chain saws needed for this project. Reserve a cabin for the full weekend, one night, or just come for the day on Saturday.
Register online or call/email the office with your group details. (814) 629-6627 or contact@sequanota.com
IGNITE - Fall Youth Retreat
September 27-28, 2025
Cost: $50 (Grades 2nd - 8th)
Reconnect with camp friends for an overnight retreat at camp. Camp looks different in the fall. Come check it out! The retreat is for grades 2-8. Invite a friend along for the weekend. Scholarships available. All are welcome! Register online through the parent dashboard.
Breakfast with Santa
December 6, 2025 from 9 AM - 11 AM
Main Camp Dining Hall
Cost: Free will donation
Families can enjoy breakfast and an opportunity to talk with Santa. Kids can play games, color picture, frost cookies, or decorate a craft while waiting for their turn with Santa. Parents may bring a camera and take their own pictures.
2025 Events
New Year's Day Hike
January 1, 2025 at 10 AM
Main Camp Dining Hall
As the new year begins reduce your stress with a beautiful walk in the woods at camp. Meet at the camp office. Warm up with hot cocoa following the hike. RSVP online to let us know you're planning to come along.
IGNITE - Youth Retreat
January 25-26, 2025 (Sat 11:00 AM - Sunday 1:30 PM)
Cost: $50 (Grades 2nd - 8th)
Snow, fun, faith and friends are the major themes for an overnight retreat at camp. The retreat is for grades 2-8. Invite a friend along for the weekend. Scholarships available. Register online through the parent dashboard.
Sustain - An Adult Retreat
Date: February 21-23, 2025
Bowersox Center
Cost: $170 (double occupancy)/ $210 (single occupancy): includes 2 nights lodging & 5 meals
This weekend retreat has been created to provide adults a weekend to engage their faith for the journey of life. The resource book guiding our weekend conversation with Richard Rohr's Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life. With rare insight, Rohr takes us on a journey to give us an understanding of how the heartbreak, disappointments, and first loves of life are stepping stones to the spiritual joys that the second half of life has in store for us.
All are welcome! Register online or call the office.